To kindle or not to kindle

I’ve been thinking recently that I might like a kindle.

I used to adore reading books, not quite the appetite for them as my sister, but an avid reader nonetheless. As time has gone on though, I’ve found that I’m reading less and less – the last book I read was I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith, and I finished that in January. Worse still my honeymoon read, A Guide to the Beasts of East Africa, is still lying half read, and I’ve not even touched Life of Pi, which The Bert bought me for Valentine’s. I can probably count on one hand the number of books I’ve finished in the last five years and that saddens me a little.

On my reading list ©The House of Jones

I know what you’re thinking – why on earth would I want to get a kindle, when I read so little? I’ve been asking myself the same thing. I think part of me wonders if it would encourage me to read more, because books would become a lot more accessible and easy to download at the touch of a button. And portable too. But having said that I am not a book buyer, I am more a library goer. And part of me also really enjoys turning the pages of a real book; being able to flip back to the cover to check I’ve remembered the characters and the main plot of the story (extremely useful when I’m picking up a book that’s laid forgotten for too long), and despite the saying – I do judge a book by its cover. I think you can tell a lot from the cover image and fonts and wording used.

Borrowed kindle ©The House of Jones

My colleague has kindly let me borrow me her kindle so that I can see how I get on with it. I thought this would be a good idea to see if I enjoyed reading from the screen, as much as anything else. But I’m interested to know from you what your thoughts are on reading, books, kindles… have any of you bought a kindle and found that you’re reading more than ever? or is it lying unused because you really do just like a book?

Regardless of my final decision on to kindle or not to kindle, I’d be really grateful for some great book recommendations. I’m determined to read a bit more, whether it’s the newfangled way or paperbacks! It’s always nice knowing that it’s worth persevering on a book, and I bet you lovelies have got some great suggestions.

I know this has been a bit of a different type of post from me today, I hope you don’t mind? I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter – thanks in advance!

Jones x

About thehouseofjones

Hello! Thanks for visiting, it's lovely to see you! I'm Jones, I'm 31, and I live with my husband (The Bert) and chinchilla (JB) in Gloucestershire. When I'm not at work I love crochet, sewing, cooking, baking, taking photos and dabbling in a bit of gardening and grow-your-own, and this is what I write about mainly. That and the general chit chat of life. So, take a look around, comment if you'd like, just make yourself feel at home really!
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8 Responses to To kindle or not to kindle

  1. Christine says:

    Hello Jones, I never imagined that I would want to read books on a Kindle or iPad but I have really surprised myself. I was always a “real” book person, and I read every day. I decided to download something to the iPad a few months ago and since then I have mostly used that to read. You soon get used to the way of turning the pages, and I love the features like the dictionary where you just touch a word and can get the definition and also a link to the web for more information. It is easy to highlight text to save as notes or quotes as well. I tend to read a lot of older books and the added bonus is that they can usually be downloaded for free. My husband and I travel a lot and I bought him a Kindle Fire so that we can access email and internet easily while away from home, so when we are travelling I download my books onto his Kindle and use that rather than carrying real books with us. So I am completely positive about these “new” methods of reading and I’m pleased that I gave it the chance despite being rather reluctant at first. I hope you enjoy trying out your friend’s Kindle, that is a great way to see if you like it.

  2. tricia says:

    Hi There Jones, Did have a Kindle, but much preferred reading from a book, so gave it away,
    enjoy passing books on to friends too, something you cant do with a Kindle.
    If you like historical novels you would enjoy Ken Follett :The Pillars of the Earth: and the follow up :World Without End: both excellent.
    Love Tricia

  3. Rachael says:

    Hi there Jones. My Mum bought me kindle a few years ago with her Tesco points. There was also a ‘double up’ offer on at the time so it was effectively half price. I haven’t used it much because these days I daren’t get myself absorbed in a book. I have too many responsibilities as a mother of 3 and once I’m ‘into’ a book, I can’t put it down. I tend to read in short bursts and I suppose that’s why I like blogs. Having said that, I did buy The Life of Pi for 20p and really enjoyed that. Especially when I remembered that my iPhone syncs with my kindle when the wifi function is on. I could whip my phone out of my pocket and read in the dark while waiting for my littlest to drop off. I think you can get the kindle app without having a kindle. I think the good thing about them is that you can load up loads of books and it takes no space so ideal for holidays. Personally, I was disappointed to discover they were black and white, text only (I now know there are alternatines). Anyway I don’t feel too bad because my Mum has now got the Kindle. She always buys me things she secretly wants herself. Oh, and I enjoyed The Pillars of The Earth too.

  4. Mum says:

    I read from both – the Kindle is great if you go away because it does not take up much room. At the moment I’ve got 3 ‘real’ books on the go and one which has just been downloaded on my Kindle. It’s good that you can try before you buy. I’ve ‘reviewed’ (not in great depth) some books that I’ve read on my blog. Just look under the label books.
    Love from Mum

  5. Claire says:

    Hello Jones
    Just found you through Lucys comments. Your blog is lovely.
    I love reading but have little time and tend to read books only in bed at night. I average approx 1 a month but it can be longer than this, occasionally less.
    I do not have a kindle but my sister does and reads tons more as a result as it is always in her handbag. It does not appeal to me at all.
    I like to smell a book as well as read it, that probably sounds weird but i’m sure lots of folk like the smell of brand new pages too.
    However, like you, I largely prefer the library. I tend to read reviews in the weekend papers or recommendations on blogs then order them from the library. This often means I get a brand new book.
    Recently I have enjoyed “the thrifty forager” by Alys Fowler of gardners world fame, “the birth of Venus” and “In the company of the courtesan” and “Sacred Hearts” all by Sarah Dunant, historical novels based on fact (I think!) all very thrilling.
    But most of all I have enjoyed “A Daughters tale” by Mary Soames, the now 90 year old daughter of Winston Churchill. It is excerpts from her wartime diary (when she actually served in the ATS) including letters to and from her parents. It is heartwarming, to appreciate the obvious love she shared with her parents and made me reflect on my own relationship with my now deceased father.
    Hope that helps.

  6. Wow you have certainly stirred up some comments with the kindle question. I, like so many of the comments above did not like the idea of reading from an electronic device as it sounded so cold, I felt that you needed to hold a book, feel and turn the pages to really appreciate it. But having got a kindle I now see that what endears you to a book is the actual text not the vehicle used for conveying them. As an avid reader, especially on holiday half of the weight of my suitcase was books. Not any more, now I have my much loved and trusty kindle. Go for it!

  7. Kate says:

    I confess Jones, I am a luddite; I can’t give up the tactile pleasure of holding the real thing (books, that is); my mum swears by her Kindle (embarrassing, to be technologically trumped by an older generation), but I love the smell and feel of books. Like you, I am seduced by covers and typesets… never say never though, so let us know how you get on 🙂 Kate x

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